C4D Octane渲染器灯光控制插件 4DM Cinema 4D Octane Lights
可以设置Octane的区域/形状灯光、聚光灯、日光、HDRI 和无缝地面等,方便在C4D中控制场景灯光
Maxon Cinema 4D Octane Lights with Area/Shape, Spotlight, Sun, HDRI and Seamlessfloor Setup.
This is a simple and easy to use Cinema 4D Octane Lightsetup. We have a Area/Shape light, a Spotligt with OpenGL Viewport visualisation, a Sunlight, a HdriSky and a Seamless floor setup.
You have Solo/Unsolo buttons for each light. And you have also the C4D Lightning tool buttons in the tab. Youe can move lights, target lights and set specular lights.
对于C4D R24或者低版本:
对于C4D R25或者高版本:
顶部菜单 窗口-资产浏览器,创建-导入传统预设库(*.lib4d),选择4dm_lightkit.lib4d即可,然后再转换栏就可以看到预设了